Top 3 teams who need to win the NBA Draft Lottery the most

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May 14, 2019; Chicago, IL, USA; NBA deputy commissioner Mark Tatum reveals the number two pick for the Memphis Grizzlies during the 2019 NBA Draft Lottery at the Hilton Chicago. Mandatory Credit: Patrick Gorski-USA TODAY Sports+

The NBA Draft Lottery will take place on Tuesday, May 17, at 8:00 p.m. EST. Thirteen different teams will have representatives there to see who will be making the first-overall selection in the draft.

Obviously, there are the teams who tanked all seasons. Teams like the Oklahoma City Thunder, Orlando Magic, Detroit Pistons, and Houston Rockets will all be in attendance.

However, there are also some decent teams who will be throwing their ping pong balls in the metaphorical ring. Teams like the Cleveland Cavaliers, Charlotte Hornets, and San Antonio Spurs.

With a wide variety of teams throwing their hat in the ring, which teams would benefit most from the first-overall pick? Which teams need it more than the others?

(P.S. Yes, of course every team would love to have it. That’s not the point.)

Top 3 teams who need to win the NBA Draft Lottery the most: 3. New York Knicks

This may seem like an odd choice. The New York Knicks were just in the playoffs last season, but they’ve already started regressing, and they simply don’t look like a playoff team anymore.

As much as the Magic, Rockets, and Pistons would love to win the lottery, the truth is, they already have established young cores. And while the Knicks have some great young players, they are stuck in the in between period.

Nabbing the number-one overall pick would almost force them to pick a direction – either make the pick and rebuild or trade the pick and try to contend.

Rebuilding teams are hoping to get the first-overall pick because they want to add to their young core, but the Knicks need to get the first-overall pick so they can finally pick a direction.

Unfortunately for New York fans, the Knicks only have the 11th-best odds to earn the top pick. It’s not likely, but it would make up for two years ago when they lost out on Zion Williamson. (Even though that looks like a blessing in disguise right about now.)

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