NBA shooters face off in March Madness: Doug Edert vs. Brady Manek

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA – MARCH 25: Brady Manek #45 of the North Carolina Tar Heels reacts in the first half of the game against the UCLA Bruins in the Sweet Sixteen round of the 2022 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament at Wells Fargo Center on March 25, 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, NBA shooters face off in March Madness: Doug Edert vs. Brady Manek. (Photo by Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images)+

The Saint Peter’s Peacocks take on the North Carolina Tar Heels on Sunday night in the Elite Eight. It’s the first time a 15th seed has ever advanced to the Elite Eight, and North Carolina will be looking to end that run.

But while everyone is focused on the teams themselves, there are a couple of potential NBA hopefuls for fans to keep their eyes on. However, instead of looking at Armando Bacot and Caleb Love, let’s focus on the two sharpshooters who could be considered longshots – Brady Manek and Doug Edert.

NBA shooters face off in March Madness: Doug Edert vs. Brady Manek

When it comes to undrafted players in the NBA, there’s one common archetype that finds success – shooters. Look at guys like Duncan Robinson, Max Strus, Seth Curry, and Royce O’Neale.

Well, that’s exactly the niche both Manek and Edert will try to slip into as they pursue their longshot NBA dreams. Let’s start with Manek, as his dreams are probably a bit more realistic.

Manek is a 23-year-old, fifth-year player who is an absolute bucket from behind the three-point line. At 6’9”, he projects to be a quality floor-spacing big in the NBA.

The one, obvious thing working against him is the fact that he’s already 23 years old. But as teams are always looking for shooters, it’s not completely out of the question that a team could give him a shot.

Edert is the player that most of the nation is most interested in, though, as he and his team have absolutely taken over the month of March. But can he make it to the NBA?

We’ve discussed that at length in a prior article, but in short, his shooting could be his one ticket there. His coach once said that he’s the best shooter in the nation, and Edert is certainly not missing the clutch gene, either.

So as fun as the matchup of Saint Peter’s vs. North Carolina will be, the duel between two of the best remaining shooters in the tournament will be even more fun to watch.

Keep an eye on both Edert and Manek, as they hope that their shooting will earn them a ticket to the NBA or, at the very least, a ticket to the Final Four of March Madness

Next: Anyone from Saint Peter’s have a chance to make the NBA?
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