2021 NBA Free Agency: 5 players that need to be signed immediately

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NBA free agency (Photo by Meg Oliphant/Getty Images)+

2021 NBA Free Agency officially kicked off on August 2, and it was unquestionably a hectic period for the league as millions of dollars got spent.

Left in the rubble from free agency are several household names that some are still surprised to see not on a roster. With the start of training camp for next season just a few weeks away, teams are making signings here and there to put the finishing touches on their roster, and these players deserve consideration for a spot. With that being said, here are five players that are free agents and should be signed before the 2021-22 season.

2021 NBA Free Agency: Wesley Matthews needs to be signed immediately

By all accounts, Welsey Matthews had a poor year with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2020-21 by posting career lows in several categories. Having averaged a mere 4.8 points on .353/.335/.854 shooting splits, 1.6 rebounds, and 0.9 assists per game, the guard was far from impressive, and his lackluster campaign made him an afterthought for most teams once 2021 NBA free agency began.

Despite his poor year with Los Angeles, Matthews could still be a contributor on most contending teams looking to round out their roster. The guard has made a living as a 3-and-D wing, knocking down 37.9 percent of the triples in his career and playing some reputable defense along the way. While he is not the same player he used to be, the 34-year-old could unquestionably bolster any team’s defense and shooting. After all, he is just one year removed from being a full-time starter for the Milwaukee Bucks, and he could have something left in the tank if given a chance.

Matthews is a low-risk signing that will not command a hefty deal from any team. Bringing him in would have some upside as he could bulk up anyone’s wing rotation with an established two-way player with a boatload of experience. His numbers from last season are undoubtedly brutal, but that should not keep him out of a job entirely. The Chicago Bulls should take a closer look at the veteran guard to load up on the defensive end.

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