Milwaukee Bucks: Grading all moves in 2021 NBA free agency

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Milwaukee Bucks Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images+

Following its first NBA Championship in 50 long-awaited years, the Milwaukee Bucks have begun its campaign as defending champions by adding some new complementary assets to the supporting cast while returning past key figures during the free agency period.

Once the free agency moratorium was uplifted on Monday, August 2nd, the Bucks wasted no time getting straight to business with a strategic course of action. From the very start, Milwaukee’s front office and general manager Jon Horst have spent this offseason with ambition, but with financial caution as well.

As the Milwaukee Bucks gear up to defend its NBA title, the moves they made during the free agency period have placed them in a comfortable position.

Heading into this offseason, the Milwaukee Bucks were destined to be a luxury tax team since they had exceeded the salary cap and the $136.6 million tax limit that the league set for the 2021-22 season, which limited its financial flexibility to spend. As a result, it was never realistic for the Bucks to be able to run it back with the same championship squad.

Milwaukee clearly made it a priority to re-sign Bobby Portis as the first order of business and were happy to welcome back Thanasis Antetokounmpo as well, two guys that always bring the energy and spirit to this team on and off the court. George Hill also reunited with the Bucks after being traded in the Jrue Holiday blockbuster deal one year ago.

However, the 2021 NBA Champions lost two valuable pieces when P.J. Tucker signed with the Miami Heat and Bryn Forbes went back to San Antonio. The Bucks had Bird Rights on Tucker but chose not to exceed the cap to retain his services in favor of shortening the tax bill.

Evidently, the tax has emerged as a crucial factor toward Milwaukee’s decision-making thus far, yet the Bucks have still formed a dynamic roster that will certainly be threats to repeat as NBA Champions. Additionally, Milwaukee signed wing Rodney Hood, forward Semi Ojeleye, acquired guard Grayson Allen via trade, and recently extended head coach Mike Budenholzer.

The offseason activity from the Milwaukee Bucks is likely over aside from the need to cut one player by the end of training camp, so let’s grade the reigning champions’ overall moves during the free agency period.

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