NBA free agency: The 5 biggest steals so far this offseason

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NBA free agency Mandatory Credit: Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports+

The first week of NBA free agency has passed and almost all the big free agents on the market have found new homes.

There are signings that make complete sense for both the team and player involved, but also plenty of deals that do not seem like the right fit. Only time will tell whether the risks, including some significant overpays, will work out.

But on the surface, it appears that several teams have certainly managed to bolster their rosters with the hope of cementing their place as title contenders next season, including the Golden State Warriors, Los Angeles Lakers and Miami Heat to name a few. Teams like the Chicago Bulls have also strengthened in the hope of becoming more of a playoff contender than in previous seasons.

And after a hectic week of signings, plenty of teams will rightly feel extremely confident in what they’ve been able to do, while others will feel less than satisfied with their activity when it comes to meeting their goals.

The first week of NBA free agency is over, but who did the best business? Here are five of the biggest steals so far this offseason.

But among all the deals that have been reported so far, there are a few which stand out as bargains for the team involved. Overpaying is always a feature of the offseason, but this year has also seen several high-quality players go underpaid and teams have secured big talent on deals that represent incredible value.

Here are the five biggest steals of NBA free agency so far.

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