2021 NBA Free Agency: 5 sneaky good deals made by contenders thus far

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NBA free agency (Photo by Josh Lefkowitz/Getty Images)+

It is currently the busiest time of the year with a hectic 2021 NBA Free Agency period in full swing as teams look to retool ahead of next season.

To this point, most of the high-profile players have expectedly stayed put with their respective teams. Kawhi Leonard re-signed with the LA Clippers, Chris Paul inked a lucrative deal with the Phoenix Suns, and John Collins signed a massive extension with the Atlanta Hawks.

With an unfathomable amount of cash being dished out across the league, there are bound to be some good moves, some bad moves, and some underrated moves sprinkled in throughout this eventful stretch in free agency.

Sticking with that last example, there are several signings that could quickly prove to be sneaky good from day one next season. With that being said, here are five under-the-radar deals made thus far.

Wayne Ellington was a sneaky good signing for the Los Angeles Lakers in 2021 NBA Free Agency

Adding more outside shooting was unquestionably near the top of the offseason wishlist for the Los Angeles Lakers.

They initially seemed to be on the right track as they were reportedly looking to trade for sharpshooting guard Buddy Hield (Athletic paywall) from the neighboring Sacramento Kings. However, with the snap of their fingers, the Lakers changed course and made a deal for Russell Westbrook instead. Hield and Westbrook are far different players on the floor, with the former being the far superior 3-point shooter, which would have hypothetically made him the better fit for LA.

With Russell Westbrook joining forces with LeBron James and Anthony Davis, the Lakers would be tasked with adding shooters to complement this trio. They certainly emphasized it with their first few signings, none with more potential to pay dividends than Wayne Ellington. While he is not a household name in the league, Ellington can shoot the basketball from the outside at a high level. Hitting an impressive 42.2 percent of his shots from deep on a career-high six attempts this past season, Ellington will give the Lakers the floor spacing boost they desperately needed.

What makes the move even better is that Ellington signed with the Lakers on a one-year deal worth the veteran’s minimum. He was a cheap addition that has the potential to carve out an immediate spot in the rotation with his shooting prowess, which could make him a favorite for James, Davis, and Westbrook.

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