Report: Brooklyn Nets could explore Kyrie Irving sign-and-trades

NEW YORK, NY – APRIL 25: Kyrie Irving of Brooklyn Nets warms up before NBA playoffs between Brooklyn Nets and Boston Celtics at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn of New York City, United States on April 25, 2022. (Photo by Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)+

While the Los Angeles Lakers stole most of the spotlight in the category of “disappointment,” the Brooklyn Nets put up a fight. They were projected to win the NBA Championship and were swept in the first round of the playoffs.

Now, while injuries undoubtedly played a part in their struggles, that doesn’t take away from how disappointing their season was. Teams like the Miami Heat and Golden State Warriors dealt with a ton of injuries, and they’re doing just fine.

Brooklyn will take this offseason to recoup and rejuvenate their roster. However, that might mean more than just trimming things around the edges.

Report: Brooklyn Nets will explore Kyrie Irving sign-and-trades

According to recent rumors from Ian Begley of SNY, Kyrie Irving’s future with the team may be in danger. He reported that “opposing teams believe the club will be open to exploring trades of Irving.” (H/T Bleacher Report)

Irving only appeared in 29 games for the Nets this past season, posting averages of 27.4 points, 4.4 rebounds, and 5.8 assists on 46.9% shooting from the field and 41.8% shooting from deep.

Despite his high-level play, his inability to play in the early stages of the season clearly affected the play of his team. After their season ended, GM Sean Marks made some strong remarks on availability and team play.

When asked about Irving’s long-term future with the team, Marks was non-committal.

If the Nets do decide to trade Irving this offseason, it’s uncertain whether or not Kevin Durant would be dealt as well. Regardless, if Irving ends up playing elsewhere next year, this current Brooklyn experiment would have to be viewed as a massive failure.

When they formed the Big 3 of Durant, Irving, and James Harden, the Nets were expected to win multiple championships. Instead, they’ve failed to make it past the second round of the playoffs.

An Irving trade this summer would seal the deal on a terrible stretch for the Nets.

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