NBA Rumors: Dallas Mavericks interested in Rudy Gobert trade

Slovenia’s Luka Doncic runs with the ball past France’s Rudy Gobert (L) in the men’s semi-final basketball match between France and Slovenia during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama on August 5, 2021, NBA Rumors: Dallas Mavericks interested in Rudy Gobert trade. (Photo by Aris MESSINIS / AFP) (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS/AFP via Getty Images)+

The Utah Jazz have been one of the best regular-season teams for the past few years. Unfortunately, that’s about as far as it’s gone for Utah – the regular season.

Now, obviously, they’ve made the playoffs almost every year, but that being said, they have yet to make it past the second round with the current core. And with all the drama surrounding the team, the end could be near.

Donovan Mitchell has been the name thrown around in trade rumors the most because of the comments he made, but what about big man Rudy Gobert? Well, according to NBA rumors, one team might already be interested.

NBA Rumors: Dallas Mavericks interested in Rudy Gobert trade

On a recent episode of The Lowe Post, ESPN’s Tim MacMahon stated that the Dallas Mavericks would have “significant interest” in Gobert if he were to be made available in a trade this summer. (H/T Bleacher Report)

The Mavs are one of the best teams in the West this year, and after trading Kristaps Porzingis at the trade deadline, they could be in the market for a new starting center.

Gobert would be a great option who could anchor their defense and also help them out offensively. The French big man has never been seen as a huge offensive threat, but playing alongside an elite point guard like Luka Doncic could unlock some of his true offensive potential.

MacMahon also added that Gobert would “love to play with” Doncic, which makes a ton of sense. Mike Conley is the best point guard Gobert has ever played with, and while Conley is an All-Star, he’s not the playmaker that Doncic is.

What could the Mavs give up to peak Utah’s interest? That’s a great question, in all likelihood, the deal would have to start with young point guard Jalen Brunson and go from there.

But a deal like that would only happen if the Jazz decide to blow things up and rebuild this summer, which is very possible. Just know that if Gobert becomes available, Dallas will almost surely come knocking.

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