NBA Rumors: Quin Snyder could be next Los Angeles Lakers head coach

SALT LAKE CITY, UT – DECEMBER 18: Quin Snyder head coach of the Utah Jazz calls in a play during the first half of their game against the Washington Wizards December 18, 2021 at the Vivint Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake City, Utah, NBA Rumors: Quin Snyder could be next Los Angeles Lakers head coach. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and/or using this Photograph, user is consenting to the terms and conditions of the Getty Images License Agreement.(Photo by Chris Gardner/Getty Images)+

It’s no secret that the Los Angeles Lakers have been one of, if not the most disappointing team in the NBA this season. Nothing has gone right for them, and it’s looking like they could struggle to get out of the play-in.

LeBron James has been playing on another level this year, but it simply hasn’t mattered. There have been too many other unfortunate factors that have led to them having their worst seasons since the post-Kobe Bryant years.

Things like the Anthony Davis injury, the poor fit of Russell Westbrook, and the team’s lack of depth have hurt the Lakers. But ultimately, it’s looking like it will be head coach Frank Vogel that takes the fall this offseason.

NBA Rumors: Quin Snyder could be next Los Angeles Lakers head coach

And once the two parties do part ways, according to recent NBA rumors, current Utah Jazz head coach Quin Snyder could supposedly be in the mix to replace Vogel in Los Angeles.

Independent NBA insider Mark Stein reported this in his weekly newsletter, The Stein Line (subscription required). Stein said that he’s heard Snyder’s name pop up among his sources as a “probable” candidate. (H/T Bleacher Report)

Snyder has been the head coach in Utah since the 2014-15 season. But with their consistent lack of success in the playoffs, one has to question how much longer he will stick around.

The Jazz have yet to make it out of the second round of the playoffs with this current version of their team. And with the apparent issues involving the team’s two stars’ relationship, it could soon be the end of the line for this era of Jazz basketball.

Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Gobert’s relationship has been a problem ever since Gobert’s pre-COVID incident. It has even been rumored that Mitchell might prefer to play in a big market.

If one of those two ends up being traded or requesting out, don’t be surprised if Snyder chooses to leave Utah alongside them. With James and Davis in Los Angeles, Los Angeles would give him a fresh start with a team that is still (in theory) competing for a championship.

All of that is yet to be seen, though, and if the Jazz end up going on a deep playoff run, Snyder would likely return to the Jazz. That would just mean the Lakers would have to search elsewhere for a new head coach.

Next: Los Angeles Lakers need to build through NBA Draft
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