NBA Rumors: Fenway Sports Group wants NBA expansion in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – OCTOBER 28: The Vegas Golden Knights mascot Chance the Golden Gila Monster poses after the NV COVID Trace Community Activation at the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign on October 28, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Activation was organized by Greg Chase of Experience Strategy Associates and Douglas Johnson of E+ Productions as a state wide PSA around COVID Trace, Nevada’s contact tracing app, NBA Rumors: Fenway Sports Group wants NBA expansion in Las Vegas. (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images for Experience Strategy Associates)+

For the past couple of seasons, the idea of adding an expansion team (or two) to the NBA has been thrown around. Commissioner Adam Silver has been asked about it multiple times, and he has repeatedly said that it’s a possibility.

Obviously, the clear-cut favorite to get a team would have to be Seattle, as they’ve spent the past decade begging for the NBA to give them their Supersonics back.

But past that, any number of cities are more than deserving of getting an NBA franchise. Well, one city, in particular, has popped up on the radar as of late.

NBA Rumors: Fenway Sports Group wants NBA expansion in Las Vegas

While Seattle may be the top choice, according to recent NBA Rumors, the other city that’s in the mix to receive an NBA expansion team in Las Vegas, Nevada. (H/T Bleacher Report)

On his podcast, The Ringer’s Bill Simmons reported that Fenway Sports Group, the group that owns the Boston Red Sox, among other teams, is the leading contender to bring an NBA team to Las Vegas.

Simmons also stated that Las Vegas and Seattle are, in his opinions, the most likely options to land expansion teams next, as one could have guessed.

In the past few years, Las Vegas has quickly become a hub for sports. Not only did the Raiders move there, but they also added an NHL hockey team – the Vegas Golden Knights – and welcomed the Las Vegas Aces (WNBA) to town.

Adding an NBA team into the mix would be a no-brainer, as they already have the arena built for it. They could simply share an arena with the Golden Knights.

As for Fenway Sports Group (FSG), they already own a plethora of teams, so deciding to own and operate an NBA franchise would be the logical next step for them.

Right now, FSG owns three professional sports teams, all of which are extremely successful – the Red Sox (MLB), the Pittsburgh Penguins (NHL), and Liverpool F.C. (Premier League).

If the NBA did decide to expand, the cities of Seattle and Las Vegas would make perfect sense. And with the way it’s been discussed over the years, it might just be a matter of time.

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