Chicago Bulls: Predicting start and end NBA 2K22 ratings

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Chicago Bulls, NBA 2K (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)+

As we inch closer to the start of the 2021-22 season, we’re also a little more than two weeks away from 2K Sports releasing its latest installment of the NBA 2K video game series. Such news will bring the usual mix of excitement from those who love the game and apathy from those who chide it as a glorified $60 roster update.

Nevertheless, with a new game comes new ratings for the teams and the players whose likenesses make the game what it is. Over the last few years, the unveiling of these numerical benchmarks has become as anticipated as the game itself (unless you’re super excited for those MyCareer side careers that fans definitely asked for).

How these ratings get tabulated changes from year to year. The most recent updates from the previous 2K game aren’t simply ported over to the new game, which makes guessing what the new stats will be less predictable than one would think. This becomes more true when determining what they will look like at the season’s end.

With that said, what will the initial and final ratings look like for the Chicago Bulls players?

Given the upgrades the Chicago Bulls made to their roster, one would expect their overall team rating to shoot up a couple of points. But let’s take a more granular look at that roster to figure out how the game will evaluate each player at launch and once the season is over.

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