4 teams that should jump at chance to sign free agent Carmelo Anthony

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Carmelo Anthony and Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)+

1. Carmelo Anthony would rain jumpers in the Milwaukee Bucks’ offense

Lauded as one of the most well-oiled offenses in basketball, the Milwaukee Bucks couple the overwhelming presence of superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo with head coach Mike Budenholzer’s Spursian ball style through steady ball movement and off-ball fluidity. Players on this team shift in unison to generate high-quality shots, and few shooters could capitalize on that more than Carmelo Anthony.

If playing for five teams in six seasons has caught Melo anything, it’s the importance of remaining active and engaged without the ball in his hands. The veteran marksman has become adept at identifying and rotating to open positions around the perimeter. He’s an opportunistic cutter with the physicality and finesse to finish tough shots, creating looks without the ball sticking in his hands. Melo has also become a more polished passer in the halfcourt now that he’s no longer the star of his own show.

During their lowest points over the last few playoff exits, the Bucks have gotten in trouble by falling into shooting lulls. They are prone to leaning too heavily on Giannis to jumpstart their offense, growing stagnant with their star off the floor. Who better to buy a bucket during times of need than Carmelo Anthony, the ninth-highest scorer in league history?

Although he’s never been an elite defender and is declining with age, Anthony is a competitor at heart who will show effort if it means contending for a championship. Plus, the Bucks have enough defensive talent on the roster to make up for his deficiencies on that end.

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