NBA MVP Ladder Week 4: DeMar DeRozan makes his unexpected debut

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Stephen Curry, Golden State Warriors; NBA MVP Ladder. Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images+

Sometimes I wonder why we even bother watching the games. It was clear and obvious before the NBA season began what was going to happen. Everyone knew the Washington Wizards and Chicago Bulls would be 1-2 in the East, that the Golden State Warriors would win 12 of their first 14 games, and that the Milwaukee Bucks would be 11th after 15 games of their own. Obvious, obvious stuff.

It was likewise obvious which players would excel. DeMar DeRozan was viewed as a steal of an acquisition, a bargain at $85 million over three seasons. Tyler Herro was obviously going to rank in the top-20 in scoring. And even Detroit and Houston knew Evan Mobley was going to be the best prospect from this class.

The season has has a wild start thus far, with unexpected teams at the top. Which players have risen to the top of the NBA MVP ladder in week 4?

Alright, I just turned off the sarcasm font. To prove my point, the NBA season has been completely different from what we expected. Injuries and COVID absences have shaped the standings, veterans across the league have found a new level to their game (Harrison Barnes, Ricky Rubio, Montrezl Harrell), and that goes for the players at the top as well.

The league’s superstars have diverged sharply, with some stumbling early (James Harden, Luka Doncic, Damian Lillard) and others balling out at an elite level. We got a showdown of the early MVP candidates on Tuesday night when Stephen Curry and the Warriors curb-stomped Kevin Durant and the Brooklyn Nets. That might have an impact on the rankings.

Let’s start with Curry, who once again leads the way for the MVP candidates. Which players are just behind the baby-faced assassin on the NBA MVP ladder? We had to make room for the resurrection of DeMar DeRozan, who has been the best player on one of the league’s best teams thus far. Let’s jump into the craziness.

Stats current through Wednesday’s games (November 17th)

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