NBA MVP Ladder Week 23: Injuries clouding the picture

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DENVER, CO – MARCH 20: Austin Rivers #25 of the Denver Nuggets defends Jayson Tatum #0 of the Boston Celtics at Ball Arena on March 20, 2022 in Denver, Colorado, NBA MVP Ladder Week 23: Injuries clouding the picture. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and or using this photograph, User is consenting to the terms and conditions of the Getty Images License Agreement. (Photo by Ethan Mito/Clarkson Creative/Getty Images)+

With three-ish weeks left of the regular season, the NBA MVP race remains too close to call. Every single position on the ballot is wide open, and while the top three candidates are in a tier of their own, nobody has snatched the crown yet.

Week 22 NBA MVP Ladder: Honorable Mentions

Karl Anthony-Towns: The Wolves are eyeing the six-seed right now, and KAT’s playing the best ball of his life on both ends. (Rank last week: HM)

LeBron James: LeBron’s historic scoring tear continues, and though the Lakers’ failures preclude him from garnering serious MVP consideration, a scoring title is still in reach. (Rank last week: HM)

Devin Booker: He’s kept the Suns afloat despite Chris Paul’s absence and is having one of the best shooting seasons of his career despite being the defense’s focus night in and night out. (Rank last week: N/A)

DeMar DeRozan: DeRozan keeps putting up efficient scoring games, although the Bulls are limping into the playoffs. (Rank last week: HM)

Ja Morant An injury knocks him down a peg. (Rank last week: 5)

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