Brooklyn Nets: 4 glaring holes to address during the offseason

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Brooklyn Nets (Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports).+

In years past, the concept of Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, and James Harden teaming up in New York City would’ve been a Knicks fan’s fever dream, but never would the underrepresented Brooklyn Nets fanbase expect this to come to fruition. However, the impossible has become a reality and now, it’s up to the Nets’ front office to position its stars to bring a championship to the borough of kings.

With Durant rehabbing through the entire 2019-20 season, we’re really only one season into this experiment. A season-ending injury to Kyrie Irving and a faulty hamstring put two of the Nets’ three stars in compromising situations, causing their season to end despite a heroic final effort from arguably the game’s greatest talent in Durant.

The top-end talent of the Brooklyn Nets makes them a surefire contender, but they still have weaknesses that must be addressed during the 2021 offseason.

Now is the time for Brooklyn to be proactive. With a full year under its belt, the Nets front office can assess what did and didn’t work around their big three. One of the most impressive offensive units in the history of the sport, Brooklyn’s lack of depth and defensive talent were obvious weaknesses that Milwaukee narrowly exploited to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals.

Between unfinished roster construction, questionable conditioning, and uninspired coaching, there are still a handful of concerns that the Brooklyn Nets must address this offseason, starting with the most obvious of them all: Health.

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