NBA Trades: Four teams that could make realistic offers for Kevin Durant

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Brooklyn Nets F Kevin Durant (7) and Toronto Raptors F Scottie Barnes (4) — Brad Penner, USA TODAY Sports+

NBA Trades: Masai Ujiri cashes in for a superstar once again.

Although it’s a little bit different this time, there is historical precedent for the Toronto Raptors to trade for a disgruntled superstar and advance to contender status. Several years removed from the 2019 NBA Finals run—ironically, when the path was paved for Durant to make his move to Brooklyn—Toronto has reloaded with enough pieces to take a big swing at KD.

Naturally, the Brooklyn Nets would make Rookie of the Year Scottie Barnes the top priority in any trade conversations. It’s hard to envision a world in which President of Basketball Operations Masai Ujiri would make him available. Furthermore, the last time Ujiri traded for a superstar in Kawhi Leonard, he did so without sacrificing the core of a contending team.

Nets Get
OG Anunoby
Gary Trent Jr.
Precious Achiuwa
First-Round Picks
Raptors Get
Kevin Durant

Toronto maintains control of every one of its first-round draft picks through 2029. They can surely spice up their deal with first-round draft capital on top of three promising young players. To finalize a Durant trade without giving up any of the team’s top three players sounds absurd on paper, but if no other teams are willing to spend like Toronto is, this trade could feasibly work out.

However, Ujiri may decide to budge and reframe a deal around one of his All-Stars in combo guard Fred VanVleet or forward Pascal Siakam. Any one of these players mentioned would make sense in a Nets lineup with Kyrie Irving and Ben Simmons next season. Just about every player in the Raptors lineup has a defensive specialty with many of them offering great promise on both sides of the floor. No matter what the final deal looks like, Toronto can immediately compete for a championship after sending quality talent back to Brooklyn.

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