Bucks: Why “Greek Freak” is a great nickname for Giannis Antetokounmpo

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Bucks, Giannis (Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)+

Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks, commonly referred to as “The Greek Freak,” has the best nickname in the NBA.

In 1939 legendary Yankee Stadium announcer, Arch McDonald, likened center fielder Joe DiMaggio to the new Pan-American airliner due to his speed and incredible range in the outfield. He summed up these similarities with the simple phrase, “The Yankee Clipper.” The moniker stuck and DiMaggio would carry the name with him on his way to the first American League MVP Award of his career that season. More than 80 years after it was originally coined “The Yankee Clipper” is still synonymous with DiMaggio and his exploits.

In the history of basketball, there have been too many great nicknames to list here. There could literally be an entire book dedicated to the greatest monikers in the history of the game, their significance to the players, and the effect it had on their overall persona.  Players such as “Magic” Johnson of Los Angeles Lakers and “Clyde” Frazier of the New York Knicks became better known by their stage names than the ones on their driver’s license.

Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks has the best nickname in the NBA. The Greek Freak is taking no prisoners heading into next season.

There are many players in today’s league who are as easily recognizable by their nicknames as they are by their legal names. However, no one’s moniker is more fitting than Antetokounmpo’s “The Greek Freak.” Let’s take a closer look at why Giannis has the best nickname in the NBA.

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