3 reasons why Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks are underrated

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One franchise that is quietly going about their business, and sitting pretty this summer, is the Milwaukee Bucks. With the Kevin Durant drama now expanding to include the Brooklyn Nets, Boston Celtics, and Philadelphia 76ers, there’s no telling how unsettling the prospect of a contending team trading for Durant might be.

Not for the Milwaukee Bucks. Rather than make any noise at all, the Milwaukee Bucks have done minimal business themselves, and while that would be a concern for others, it isn’t when you’ve got the best player in the world on your team.

Why are Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks being overlooked?

That might sound hyperbolic. But despite being the most dominant player since Shaquille O’Neal, and still somehow being only 27 years old, Giannis Antetokounmpo has failed to win the league MVP award for the last two seasons. Both times that has gone to Nikola Jokic of the Denver Nuggets, and while he is a fine selection, we may look back on those awards the same way we do Steve Nash’s MVPs in 2005 and 2006. Fine selections, just not necessarily the right ones.

This is still the guy who put up a monstrous 50 points in an NBA Finals closeout game and who won his first championship earlier in his career than both LeBron James and Michael Jordan did. So, let’s take a closer look and examine three reasons why, if anything, Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks should be the favorites for the championship next season.

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Milwaukee Bucks news from FanSided Daily
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